Learn microsoft powerpoint 2013 free
Learn microsoft powerpoint 2013 free Looking for: Learn microsoft powerpoint 2013 free - Click here to DOWNLOAD Online Course: Learn Microsoft PowerPoint the Easy Way - 9 Hours from Udemy | Class Central. Backgrounds in PowerPoint. Crop a picture to fit a shape. Group shapes or pictures. Make the switch to PowerPoint Working with watermarks. Work with handout masters. Add a sound effect to a transition. Add bullets to text. Add headers and footers to a presentation. Add sound effects to an animation. Animate pictures, clip art, text, and other objects. Create a flow chart. Create an org chart. Create a template from a presentation. Design motion paths. Insert a bar chart. Insert a line chart. Insert a pie chart. Insert a video from your PC. Insert music and time it to your slides. Rehearse timings for a slide show. Trigger an animation effect. Use slide masters to customize a presentation. Check out Microsoft Training Center. PowerPoint More ...